The Friday Dose #25

The Friday Dose is a collection of cool, interesting and surprising things that are chosen for their potential to distract you away from any painful thought loops that may currently be disrupting your sense of perspective. Enjoy.


Today’s Dose starts off with a photo that quite simply makes me laugh when I look at it. I hope you find it as funny as I do, because laughter is really good for the body and spirit. Oxygenate your brain, lighten your spirit. Laugh:


425 Relax and Succeed - Drunk octopus wants to fight


Next is a beautiful piece that should speak to us all. Remember, every single aspect of your personality and even your physical self is nothing more than an opinion. The person you see in the mirror is not who other people see. We all see our thoughts about ourselves. And other people don’t see us either. They see their thoughts about us. There is no us. There is no steady “I.” To be alive is to be in a state of flow. And so when someone says you “are” this way or “are” that way, what they mean is: that is their judgments about your being. But that has nothing to do with your enjoyment of your own life. The only thing you need to know is that there is never a shortage of people that will feel you are beautiful, particularly if you’re also happy and compassionate. Then it’s a guarantee:




And finally we’ll finish with a wonderful bit of life on Earth. There are so many places in the world where nature expresses itself in fascinating ways. If I had to guess I would say this is in Thailand, but almost certainly it is somewhere in south Asia. It certainly gets you to rethink the idea of a stampede if you’re from cattle country. 🙂




The world’s a weird and wonderful place. You’re here for a much shorter time than you imagine. So get out there and experience it. It really is worth it. Enjoy your days!

peace and love, s