The Friday Dose #6 – Realizations

Winner: Scott’s Favourite Friday Dose of 2014 #2

311 Relax and Succeed - We are the facilitators

We’ll begin this week’s Friday Dose where we all begin in life—with the wide-eyed wondrous innocence of youth. People are always asking me how they can be happy, and yet when they were kids they had no trouble at all finding interesting, fascinating or enjoyable experiences. As adults our heads are cluttered with us talking to ourselves about the world, when we would benefit more from being quietly aware of—or alive in—the actual world. Simple things are beautiful. Just stop to ponder this idea: there was a rainfall that was your very first. Consider how incredible that must have seemed to you. You probably felt a lot like this:

[vimeo 84802749 w=700 h=393]


This one’s actually strange, because this was posted on The Huffington Post about the same time that my blog post about this very thing was posted. It begins with a quote from the very talented Ira Glass, who I’m a big of. Since the blog posting was so popular, I thought you might also like a video that is connected to it:

[vimeo 85040589 w=700 h=393]


If you don’t know who Pharrel Williams is, it’s still highly likely you’re quite aware of his work. Every now and then I’ll be listening to the radio and I’ll hear someone who reminds me of my father. Someone who lives an enlightened life without any effort or even desire for an enlightened life. But these individuals are all like one family. They share a perspective. They can all see the many blessings that are contained in each moment, and it is their habit to pay attention to those instead of their wants. The result is a beautiful clarity that I think you’ll recognize too. Do you want to hear a really spiritually wise person discuss their life and career? Give Pharrell 15 minutes of your time. It’ll be easily worth it. Because after he talks about his art, he starts to discuss life and spirituality and meaning.  (Yes, when he says the word “vegetarian” he meant to say “vegetable”–as in “a vegetative state”). This guy’s proven he has a special skill, and I agree with him–it comes from his unique level of awareness and his general lack of ego. It’s a remarkably well disguised discussion about gratitude, awareness and connection, and it’s very spiritual in nature. I particularly like how nicely he connects his success to his humility:

Pharrell Williams on Life and Art


Remember: enjoy your day. The only way it ever happens is by choice.

peace. s

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