The Friday Dose #51

600 Relax and Succeed - Life is a song

Wow, neat stuff in the Dose today. Let’s start off talking about teens. While the brain is always changeable, it’s important to remember that the brain hasn’t even finished building its physical structures until you’re in your mid to late 20’s.

Those structures get built by the very experimentation that works fine in a jungle with a tribe, but it can create havoc for a modern teen as they try to accomplish those social experiments within rigid, quasi-Victorian social structures like schools and clocks etc.

The very next day another scientist purported to disagree with this, but then he actually spent his entire interview presenting the very same ideas, just in his own way.

I’ll admit I’m phrasing this introduction this way because I want to tease any teens that might read it, but hey parents; when you’re talking to a teenager or judging their behaviour, you really do have to remember that you’re literally speaking with someone who’s only got half a brain. 😉 :

The Current on The Teenage Brain


I’ve spent my life studying how people store information and ideas in the brain because it’s combinations of those patterns that determine our behaviour and personality. One of the key concerns I’ve had about things like dating sites etc. is that they create a new idea within the framework of dating.

There’s always been the saying there’s always more fish in the sea, but that was said if a relationship went bad and the person was single. Now people jump on or Plenty of Fish like it’s a Kijiji for dating. Don’t like this one, trade it in for that one.

Also, because everyone’s watched edited ‘reality’ shows all their life there is this belief that a perfect life is possible. And so people waffle around trying to find the perfect life and in doing so they throw away what are otherwise perfectly good lives.

This combines nicely with the posting entitled, Barry Schwartz: The Paradox of Choice, which features an enlightening TED Talk. But before you look at that, give this a read and think about sharing it to anyone you know under 30.

This Is How We Date Now


I’m not sure how I stumbled onto it, but a while back Lifehack put up a great list of eight things happy people do. If you read my blog nothing on the list will surprise you, but I’m not super big on lists so if you like things presented as concise encapsulations of larger concepts this is a good example. A

I’m actually all for it because the shorter something is the more it has to focus on the essence of the subject and that’s the most important part. It’s why poetry is considered writings highest art. Everything is winnowed away but essence. So without further ado, I give you the essence of happiness:

8 Things Happy People Do


And let’s close off with some big fun. If you live anywhere north you know the days are short and the weather’s normally cold in winter, so if it’s winter when you’re reading this, let’s brighten yours up with a little fun.

I love it when someone comes up with an idea to meld one thing with another in such a way that both things end up better. This is a fantastic idea for a video and I’m glad so many people got to have such a ridiculously good time making it. If you want to cheer yourself up just focus closely on these people’s faces when they figure out what’s going on. It’s just plain fun. Enjoy:



You have yourself an awesome weekend. And be kind to you.

peace. s

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