The Friday Dose #37

503 Relax and Succeed - We can only be said to be alive

This week’s Dose is a mixed bag. We’ll start off with this cool piece of art wherein photographer Dita Pepe re-imagines her own life lived in many different ways. By shooting herself in portraits expressing different values and lifestyles, she is able to capture a moment of virtually being another self from another road not-travelled. Like almost everyone will do when they see her work, it’s hard not look at it without imagining yourself living different lives that would have stemmed from different decisions. I love art that makes you reconsider long held beliefs:

The Many Lives of Photographer Dita Pepe


Next we’ll take a few minutes to allow you to get to know yourself a little better. We’ve been conditioned to believe all sorts of things by various experts, but we must keep in mind that we are an aspect of nature and as such, we are ourselves brilliantly engineered to be human. This means many different things, but one of the most important is our capacity for compassion. This isn’t just a nice idea—this is an aspect of who and what you are. Get to know yourself and fall in love:


And we will end with a gorgeous, slow-life-down video of some very talented artists at work. Often times in many artforms the patience and calmness of the artist is key to achieving the work itself. You can certainly see confident hands at work here, and it’s even better if you turn your sound on:


Your life is a constant set of choices from birth until death. Your choices thus far have lead you to where you are now. Do not lament your direction. Simply do the wisest thing possible and make as many future steps as possible from a conscious perspective. Because your decisions now won’t affect the past, but they will certainly affect your future.

peace. s

The Friday Dose is a collection of cool, interesting and surprising things that are chosen for their potential to distract you away from any painful thought loops that may currently be disrupting your sense of perspective. Focus on these and change your mind. Enjoy.