Tapping Into A Better Life

1525 Relax and Succeed - Stop letting your potential go to waste

Today’s Meditation:

It will take less than 10 minutes, and as few as two. Literally, do it right now. This sort of thing makes for an excellent priority because all else falls from it.

Remember, these are serious questions. Type your answers out. That will force you to be articulate about what you mean:

  1. How might your life be better tomorrow than it is today?

  2. What are you doing today to make that future come true?

  3. What could you have done yesterday that would have increased your odds of success today?

  4. Do you see the relationship between what you did and where you are?

  5. Considering all of this, what sort of life will you create today; what springboard for tomorrow?

  6. And finally and most importantly, what will you do next to advance the creation of the day you intend to have, and when will you do it?

After answering these, go in peace. Your psychological spiritual work for the day is done. The rest of your spirituality will emerge through how much you practice these ideas throughout your day.

That practice is like water, and your mind is like a tap. The more you let things flow, without over-thinking, the more energy will remain for living. So re-read your list. And practice it during your day. Because following that sort of intention is how you find and create your path.

peace. s