Daily Exercises in Gratitude

Hello everyone. I trust this finds you all well. Things on this end are challenging as Mom’s had a fall and is in hospital. Any good wishes you can send her way are welcome. We hope to have her home soon. My heartfelt thanks to all those who are caring for her.

As promised, tomorrow I will be starting a daily series of posts designed to help us all through this second wave of lockdowns. Those posts will focus on honing our ability to be aware, and to be grateful. It would be helpful if you had a partner to do these with, so see if you can’t get a friend to join you each morning.

Please be advised that future posts may be impacted by the changes here today. Mom’s pretty much herself with just small mental slips that she can recover from pretty much immediately, so she still likes to do as much as possible.

Her desire to keep busy does help me in that she’ll help out a bit around the house, and she’s a big help in keeping Dad occupied and mentally active. Without her help for the next while, Dad and the household will need more of my attention and that may impact my work here. I would very much appreciate your patience if those issues affect the COVID series.

I will be as dedicated as possible though, because when we’re inclined toward worry or fear, we are best to find ways we can take action to help anyone because that both helps us feel better, and it allows us to see more positive possibilities. So I’ll be doing these exercises right along with you.

I’ll leave it at that for now. Tomorrow, I will offer a brief explanation on why that day’s meditation can help us, and then I will offer simple instructions on what to do. If we do these exercises each day, we will be strengthening our ability to spot good fortune.

Over time, this level of awareness can become our habit, and that alone will help us create better lives. So find a partner or partners, and then enjoy today knowing that tomorrow you will be moving forward on actively maintaining your mental health during the second wave. That should leave us all feeling empowered and focused and together.

I look forward to seeing you all here tomorrow. Until then, all the best to you and all those you love.

peace. s