Every moment is new. You choose to repeat a lot of your choices but you are nevertheless born anew every moment. You are always free to make any choice you like. But most of you are frozen in place, having the same challenges in the same ways and it’s all getting you 667 Relax and Succeed - You can conquer almost any fearnowhere.

It’s like you’re mountain climbing but you’re too crippled by the snow. The snow is like your thoughts. I’m your guide and I’m telling you the snow is irrelevant. It’s just fluff in the face of your reality. The reality is the rock. Reality is what you’re choosing to actually bring into being with your determined thinking. That is what you’re climbing. The present moment.

Thoughts may fall from above but that is not the future. Those are thoughts about a potential, imagined future and you are looking ahead and those thoughts are hitting your consciousness in the Now. And looking down and seeing thoughts fall away toward your past is just as ephemeral. None of this matters. The snow below you is meaningless to what you are doing in this moment. The only thing that is solid is Now. That is where you live and it is the only place in which you can take action to impact your life. You cannot climb on the rock you were on, nor can you climb on the one you will be on. You are where you are and anything else is just a veil of snow created by your thinking. The worst it can do is distract you from moving forward.

Stop fantasizing and work from where you are. Forward is always forward anyway. It isn’t a direction, it’s a motion in and of itself. You’re not supposed to go somewhere, you’re supposed to just go. To sit and think is to not-live. That is to be in an egoic state. To enact the verb of any direction is what it is to truly be alive. It is very easy to get up every day and drive and walk places and eat and sleep and yet not be alive. It is possible to do all of that without an 667 Relax and Succeed - Hope is you imagining a futureinspirational motivation for the real you. The best you could do is imitate others, but if you do that you forgo the act of actually being yourself.

All you need to do is regularly reassert your direction. You can change that direction any time you like. You were never supposed to get anywhere anyway. But to move forward you must shift from where you are to a brand new moment. Do not ruminate. Do not let something as small as falling snow stop you from climbing the majestic mountain of life. The climb itself is a profoundly rewarding experience and to have it stopped by something as insignificant as our own pointless, repetitious thoughts is silly. Our thoughts don’t control us, we control our thoughts. You just blow the snow out of your face and you grab the next bit of rock.

Be present on the rock you’re on. Forget about the ones before, forget about the ones to come. Live now. It’s very calm there and there is very little to do. You need only take the step that you are on. Take that simple action and you will be surprised by the incredible heights your life will take you to.

May your day be filled with mindful motion.

peace. s

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